
Screen shot of md_resume


Write a resume in markdown, style it with CSS, distribute it as either HTML or PDF. Now with even faster feedback cycles, make changes and preview them immediately!

md-resume is a resume generator written in Ruby styled with CSS. Instead of stopping at exclusively generation of a resume in HTML or PDF format, the project goes further in letting you perfect your resume. Running resume.rb in development mode will spin up a local server that will watch your changes to the resume styles and content. The server will live update an HTML preview of your resume letting you move quickly with changes and updates. The project uses kramdown to translate markdown to HTML, bringing with it additional inline markdown customization options.
Screen shot of Private Events

Private Events

Private Events is a Ruby on Rails application focused on user interaction with events allowing event creation, management, sign-ups and invitations. Private Events utilizes HTML, CSS, TailwindCSS, and a combination of AlpineJS and JavaScript for the frontend. Ensured high code quality with RSpec unit tests and systems tests using Capybara. Containerized the production version using Docker and set up hosting using Amazon EC2 and an RDS PostgreSQL database.
Screen shot of JIT


JIT is a fully interoperable version of Git written fully in Ruby. I built the project as a means to better understand Ruby as a systems language. Almost all Jit commands require interactions with the system either writing files, stating files for comparison, hashing, compressing or unzipping files. Unlike Git itself, which is written in C, I did not have to deal with the complexities of memory management. However, creating a object oriented program the size of Git was challenging. Jit builds out the full host of Git objects: blobs, trees and commits, each hashed and zipped based on the Git format. Jit implements the full host of Git commands including add, branch, checkout, commit, diff, merge, reset, status, rm, cherry_pick.


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